How to make Mini Cupcakes

Here is a recipe and guide showing you how to make Mini Cupcakes.

Preheat the oven to one of the following:​

  • Fan assisted: 180°C
  • Regular Oven: 190-200°C
  • Fahrenheit: 356F
  • Gas Mark 4

While warming the oven, take your mini cupcake tin and line it with mini cupcake cases.


  • 75 Grams Butter/Margarine
  • 75 Grams Granulated or Caster Sugar
  • 75 Grams Self Raising Flour
  • 1 and a Half Medium Eggs
  • Sprinkles (Optional)

This recipe will make around 15 – 20 Mini cupcakes, depending on scoop sizes.


  • Mini Cupcake Cases
  • Mini Cupcake Tin(s)
  • Small Ice Cream Scoop or Teaspoons
  • Hand Whisk
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Small Bowl (To crack an Egg In)
  • Scales
  • Spatula
  • Sieve
  • Fork


1. Weigh out the butter and sugar and place them in a mixing bowl.​

2. Whisk them on high speed until they go a pale yellow colour.​

3. Add the whole egg and whisk in until it has been combined into the mixture. (This should only take about 10-15 seconds).​

4. Crack the second egg into a bowl and beat it with a fork.​

5. Pour half of the beaten egg into the mixture and whisk in. (Discard the other half of the egg because we don’t need it).​

6. Weigh out the flour and sieve it into the mixing bowl.​

7. Mix it in using a spatula and then give it a quick whisk on high speed for about 20 seconds or until the flour has combined.​

(Tip: Add some colour – At this point, you could add sprinkles to the batter to add a little colour inside, or you could sprinkle a few on the top when you place them in the cupcake cases. This is optional, so it’s up to you).​

8. Place the mixture in cupcake cases using teaspoons or a small ice cream scoop.​

9. Place on the middle shelf of the oven for approx 10-12 minutes or until golden.​

10. Once baked, remove from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool.​

Below is the key/guide showing you how much mixture I used, how long I baked them and how they turned out. This was using a Small Ice Cream scoop which is 3 cm in diameter.​

Key – Ice Cream Scoop Sizes​

  • 1 level Small Ice Cream Scoop – Baked for 11 mins – Came out flat but lower than the rim of the cupcake case.
  • 1 slightly Overfilled Ice Cream Scoop – Baked for 11 mins – Came out at a nice amount/size.
  • 2 level Ice Cream Scoops – Baked for 12 – 12 and a half mins – Made a domed shape mini cupcake.

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