If you’re like me, then you love cake! It is such a versatile thing; it can be made vegan, without gluten, flavoured 100 ways and carved into some of the most amazing things! Everyone can enjoy this treat, and there is something about having a cake that brings people together. Cake is a well-loved treat, and there are so many benefits to eating it. Here is why you should have cake at every event!

It Turns Your Occasion Into A Celebration

When there’s a cake sitting in front of you, it makes your event seem official and special. Whether you’re having afternoon tea or cutting the cake at your wedding, it turns a gathering into something amazing. Having a cake at any event makes it a little more special because you have to wait to have it. Even if you’re meeting up with friends, when someone brings a cake, it makes it seem like there is something worth celebrating!

There’s A Cake For Every Occasion

Fruit cake for weddings, chocolate tray bake for birthdays and smash cakes for baby photos. There is a cake for every occasion, so there is always a reason to have a cake! The beauty of cakes is that it can be personalised, so you can make it fit your needs. Post Cake makes cakes to be sent through the letterbox, and there is one for every occasion! One of my favourite cakes at the moments is a social distancing cake, so I can share it with my friends, but 2 meters apart! This just shows that you need to have cake because there is no excuse to not have one for your event!

Cake Can Reduce Stress 

Events can be stressful times, especially when you’re the host or planner. Relax and reward yourself with a slice of cake! Eating cake is proven to reduce stress and even depression symptoms. This means both you and your guests can relax and take a breather while enjoying a slice of cake. There are even studies that show baking or eating cake can help improve your mental health. Cake is a comforting food, so can make you feel better when you are overwhelmed or stressed. Don’t underestimate the power of such a simple treat!

It Gives You Energy

Cake has a lot of sugar in, especially if there’s a lot of frosting on it. This inevitably gives you, and your guests, a big sugar rush. You actually want this at your event, because it sparks confidence. You can expect the dance floor to be a little more packed after the cake as everyone rushes around, burning off the energy they’ve just gained! A cake also has a lot of carbs and fats in. This will give you more energy naturally. Many cakes will give you a small number of vitamins, calcium and protein, depending on what ingredients the cake is made of. I wouldn’t say cake is a superfood, but it seems like a good choice to me! 

It Encourages Sharing

Cakes are a great treat to share and encourages sharing at your event. No one is going to eat a whole cake unless you have cupcakes, so your guest will learn to take what they want, and to share with others. That means you can actually learn control from eating cake too because you don’t want to take too much and seem greedy. Sharing cake brings your guests closer. Just think about a wedding where the bride and groom share the cake! A cake is a perfect thing to share, and it lets your guests bond over how good it tastes!

Eating Cake Makes People Happy

Sweet treats are often the go-to snack for when you’re upset. Why? Because it makes you feel better! Even if you aren’t sad, cake makes every event a lot happier. Brining out a beautiful cake makes people smile, especially if it is personal to them. Post Cake makes funny, personalised cakes so you can make people smile too! Cakes make people happy in so many ways: 

  • The smile they have when it first gets bought out
  • How happy they feel when they’ve been given a slice
  • The amazing feeling when you’ve taken a bite of the best cake ever!
  • The happiness you feel, running around on a sugar high…!

It Brings People Together

One of the most *embarrassing* but amazing moments is when everyone gathers around the cake to sing you happy birthday. Cake brings people together. It is something everyone looks forward to, and everyone can enjoy a slice. There is never a person who turns down cake! You need to have cake at your event because it will act as a magnet for people, encouraging conversation and bringing in the distant people. 

There Isn’t A Reason To Not!

There is never a reason to not have cake at your event, gathering or special day. If you can’t bake, you can get a baker to make one for you! If there aren’t many people turning up to your event, you can buy a small cake. If you’re stuck at home, you can order a cake straight to your door! There isn’t a reason why you should skip the cake at your event. I can counter whatever point you have!

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